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Career Academies

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Academy

General Agriscience Pathway

This program is designed to deliver a variety of agricultural disciplines which will provide students a general understanding of the scope of agriculture as it relates to the following areas: animal science, plant science, food science, forestry and wildlife sciences, agricultural construction and agricultural mechanics.

Program Courses

  • Fundamentals of Agriscience
  • Intermediate Agriscience
  • Advanced Agriscience
  • Applied Agricultural Mechanics
  • CTE Lab in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Industry Recognized Credentials
Students enrolled in the General Agriscience program may earn one or more of the following industry credentials:

  • Forestry Worker
  • Landscape Design & Plant Materials
  • Turfgrass Management
  • Specialty Crops
  • Landscape Management
  • Beef Quality Assurance

Career Technical Student Organizations

Career Technical Student Organizations are a critical component of all career technical education programs. Horticulture students will be afforded the opportunity to join local, state, and national FFA. FFA was established in 1928 and currently has 653,359 members throughout the U.S.

Students who join FFA will have the opportunity to participate in various competitive events at local, state, and national levels, as well as, participate in leadership development conferences, and service learning projects.

The FFA mission is to: make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

The FFA motto: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. 

Contact Us

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Daniel Spears
Agriscience Instructor
Phone: 256.851.3280